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Annual Fee to DEO
Sunday, December 01, 2024
Category: DEO Compliance

Each year around October 1, the Program mails the "Special District Fee Invoice and Update Document" (document) to each special district. For most special districts, the annual state fee is $175. A newly created special district is invoiced a prorated state fee upon registration for its first fiscal year.

The fee depends upon the quarter in which the special district was created:
• If created during the first quarter (October 1 through December 31) the fee is $150.
• If created during the second quarter (January 1 through March 31) the fee is $125.
• If created during the third quarter (April 1 through June 30) the fee is $100.
• If created during the fourth quarter (July 1 through September 30) the fee is $75.

A special district meeting all three of the following conditions is not required to pay an annual state fee if its registered agent completes the section on the document certifying that all three of the following statements are true. Upon verification, the Program will approve the zero fee.